Embodying a new cross-sectional paradigm for a smokable rod [square cigarettes patent]

“A cigarette typically is employed by a smoker by lighting one end thereof and burning the tobacco rod. The smoker then receives mainstream smoke into his/her mouth by drawing on the opposite end (e.g., the filter end) of the cigarette.” – explains a patent granted to Big Tobacco giant R.J. Reynolds. U.S. patent 7,967,018 B2, […]

Ig Nobel Prize-winning Gadgeteer Ron Popeil has finished inventing

Gadgeteer Ron Popeil, who was awarded the 1993 Ig Nobel Prize for consumer engineering, has died, according to press reports. The famed inventor was cited, in winning that Ig Nobel prize, for “redefining the industrial revolution with such devices as the Veg-O-Matic, the Pocket Fisherman, Mr. Microphone, and the Inside-the-Shell Egg Scrambler.” Here is a […]

Hole ‘Apparatus for dissipating sock heat and moisture’ [new patent]

“Users of shoe apparel (e.g., shoes, sneakers, etc.) often place socks on their feet before positioning their feet into the shoe apparel; such placement is advantageous for a number of reasons. First, a sock may prevent friction between the skin of a user’s feet and the inside of the shoe apparel, thereby alleviating, or minimizing, […]