Other-handed politics, Solitary sheep, Nothing good, Onions on milk, Carrying,

This week’s Feedback column (that I write) in New Scientist magazine has five segments. Here are bits of each of them: On the other hand — It is maybe the most politically insightful psychology study published in the past 60 years. And it is maybe not. The study in question is “State resident handedness, ideology, and political party […]

The poetics of theatrical events which never happened (new study)

“I would like to draw attention to the difficulty presented by artifacts of performances that never happened—what I call performance nonevents.” – explains professor Pannill Camp, Associate Professor of Drama, and Chair, Performing Arts Department, at Washington University in St. Louis, US. in a recent essay for the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. “First, […]

Nothing, to sneeze at: How to create a press release from nothing

Most news reports about science and medicine come from press releases, some of which contain a colorful statement and some padding, but no actual news. This press release from Texas A&M University shows how that’s done at the highest professional level: Can you sneeze with your eyes open? …David Huston, MD, associate dean of the Texas A&M College of […]

Empty Photographic Frames : Punctuating the Narrative

Nancy Pedri, who is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Literature at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, is a comparatist. And, as such, is one of the few scholars to have examined the implications of empty photographic frames in multimodal narratives. “In its capacity to open up the possibility for variance in meaning, […]