Organizational ignorance (Towards a managerial perspective on the unknown)

Those interested in the management of organisations may already be aware that the concept of ‘Ignorance Management’ has its own page at Wikipedia. A definition was first provided in 2012 by John Israilidis Antoniou and colleagues at Loughborough University, UK.    [source] “Ignorance Management is a process of discovering, exploring, realising, recognising and managing ignorance […]

A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations

Stupidity, organizations, and the combination of stupidity and organizations all receive consideration in this study: “A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations,” Mats Alvesson, André Spicer [pictured here], Journal of Management Studies, vol. 49, no. 7, November 2012 pages 1194–1220. (Thanks to investigator Mats Andersson for bringing this to our attention.) The authors, at Lund University, Sweden […]

Learning Organizational Learning

The concepts of Organizational Learning (OL) and Learning Organisation (LO) have been prevalent in the management literature for several decades [1] [2] – but exactly what, if anything, differentiates Organizational Learning (OL) from Learning Organisation (LO)? Answers are to be found in the SCMS Journal of Indian Management, January – March, 2012, where authors Dr. […]

The Virtue of Vagueness in Vision Statements

Those tasked with running large organisations sometimes have to make major changes to achieve organisational goals. What can be done to help ensure that these changes are effective? One strategy – proposed by professor Dennis A. Gioia and colleagues at the Department of Management and Organization of Penn State University, is to deliberately introduce a […]

The Hollowness of Management Consulting

Management consulting has been called many things. This new analysis suggests that one might even call it hollow : “Hollow from the start? Image professionalism in management consulting,” Matthias Kipping [pictured here], Current Sociology, July 2011 vol. 59 no. 4 530-550. (Thanks to investigator Dan Vergano for bringing this to our attention.) The author, at […]

“Jesus the Strategic Leader” author rises again

Major General Gregg F. Martin, author of  the classic military guide “Jesus the Strategic Leader”, has yet again risen up the ranks. General Martin [pictured here] is now commandant of the U.S. Army War College, having been promoted to that post some months ago. We have only just now learned of it (thanks to investigator […]

Math: Advantage of selecting politicians randomly

The Italian research team that received an Ig Nobel Prize in 2010 for demonstrating mathematically that organizations would become more efficient if they promoted people at random has extended its work (as well as gained some team members). Their new study is: “Accidental Politicians: How Randomly Selected Legislators Can Improve Parliament Efficiency“, A. Pluchino, C. […]

The Nicolaides twist on random promotion

Phedon Nicolaides, professor at the European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht, The Netherlands, proposes [in an essay in the Cyprus Mail] a twist on the Ig-Nobel-Prize-winning method of promoting people randomly in an organization: In September 2010 three Italian scientists won the infamous Ig Nobel prize in the category of management…. [Their solution, based on […]