The Deposition of Airborne Droplets on Dead House-flies [study]

When it comes to the question of the optimum droplet diameter for deposition on dead flies (in woodland), there aren’t many pertinent research papers. Possibly only one. A 2009 study from R. T. Jarman of Chesterford Park Research Station, UK, recounts attempts, by experiment, to find out. “An experimental laboratory study of the deposition of […]

Innovative Scientists Talk About Their Childhood (9): Nicole Sharp and the Boat Ride

Here’s Nicole Sharp talking about a paddleboat ride she took when she was a child. That ride excited Nicole in a way that led to her eventual unusual career. Nicole created and runs FYFD, the most popular fluid dynamics web site in this part of the universe. ABOUT THIS LITTLE VIDEO SERIES—This is part of […]

Innovative Scientists Talk About Their Childhood (7): Nicole Sharp and the Paddle Boat

Here’s Nicole Sharp talking about a boat ride that, when she was a child, excited Nicole in a way that led to her eventual unusual career. Nicole created and runs FYFD, the most popular fluid dynamics web site in this part of the universe. ABOUT THIS LITTLE VIDEO SERIES—This is part of a series of […]

Innovative Scientists Talk About Their Childhood (5): Suzana Herculano-Houzel’s Ink-in-Water

Here’s Suzana Herculano-Houzel, talking about the ink in water that, when she was a child, excited Suzana in a way that led to her eventual unusual career. Suzana studies how brains do some of the astounding things brains do. ABOUT THIS LITTLE VIDEO SERIES—This is part of a series of sessions we (David Hu and […]