“Journal to retract article from 2000 that plagiarized one from 1984”

In digging up material for a book, I ran across a pair of quasi-identical articles on an unusual topic. The articles were so similar that I sent word to our friends at the Retraction Watch web site, who dug into the history of those articles. Today, Retraction Watch published their report about those two reports: […]

Does water or blowing air stimulate Canadian cows to defecate?

Cow defecation and two of the four traditional Greek elements that constitute the universe are the subjects of this inquiry: “Does water or blowing air stimulate cows to defecate?” Marianne Villettaz Robichaud, Anne Marie de Passillé, Jeffrey Rushen, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, epub February 5, 2013. (Thanks to investigator Jim Handman for bringing this to our […]

Use-Your-Head Research Photo of the Week

This week’s Use-Your-Head Research Photo shows Rosie Twomey of the University of Brighton engaging in “TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) to initiate a muscular response.”  Twomey’s graduate work centers on “Investigation into the Neurophysiological determinants of fatigue in graded hypoxia.” The photo is from BBC-Two’s Horizon program. The head is credited to Michael Mosley.