British Governmental Action Inspired by Ancient Aliens from Outer Space

Ig Nobel Literature Prize winner Erich von Däniken‘s books about alien visitors to earth is having a large, government-boosted economic and social impact on the greater-Manchester region, reports the Manchester Evening News: A huge new theme park is opening an hour’s drive from Manchester – and it’s inspired by a book that says aliens have […]

Comparative study of the minds of gods (Purzycki / Gaiman)

Comes further progress in understanding the minds of gods. A newly published study: “The minds of gods: A comparative study of supernatural agency,” Benjamin Grant Purzycki [pictured here], Cognition, vol. 129, 2013, pp. 163–179. The author, at the University of British Columbia, Canada, explains: “The present work is the first study to systematically compare the minds […]

God-awful pollution of India’s waters

Do the gods pollute? Scientists in India, worried about the public health consequences of immersing idols in lakes and rivers, have been looking anew at water pollution. They hope, and perhaps in some cases pray, to harmonise their medical concerns with some people’s religious priorities. Most of their research has focused on idols of the elephant-headed god Ganesh, created for […]