Leadership courses – “Why horses?”

There are a fair number [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] of opportunities for those who’d like to explore the possibilities of enhancing their leadership skills with the help of horses. But, those who follow the world of equine-assisted team and leadership development paradigms might have asked themselves, at some stage, the simple yet all-important question : ‘Why horses?’ If […]

He invented a child-replacing robot camel jockey

In this three-minute video, Rashid Ali Ibrahim does some show-and-tell about his “top secret experiments” to develop a robot jockey to replace camel-racing child jockeys. The robots are now in their seventh year of competition on camelback. Children now are banned from taking jobs as camel jockeys in some (but not all) camel-racing countries.  The […]

Dr. Kool joins the Hair Club for Scientists (LFHCfS)

Anneleen Kool has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists (LFHCfS). Allison Perrigo, who nominated her, says: Anneleen Kool is a systematist, ethnobotanist and future high-throughput next generation cryptozoologist of the highest rank. She has just successfully defended her dissertation at Uppsala University. It has been hypothesized that her long, luxuriant hair is a form of ornamental compensation, […]

Histogenesis of the Vagina of the One-Humped Camel

There’s progress at last in elucidating the histogenesis of the vagina of the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius). Details are in the study: “Histogenesis of the Vagina of the One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius): Morphological Evidence of the Histochemical Aspects,” Sameh Mohamed Farouk, Abdel-Hamid Kamel Osman [pictured here, lecturing in Japan] and Hussein Eidaroos, Cell and Developmental Biology, […]