Side-bias in Smartphone Selfies

This study reveals that smartphone self-portraits may perhaps reveal something about left and right, maybe: “Self-Portraits: Smartphones Reveal a Side Bias in Non-Artists,” Nicola Bruno [pictured here, and who also recently did a study on an effect of red] and Marco Bertamini, PLoS ONE, 8(2), 2013, e55141. The authors, at the Universita di Parma, Italy and the University […]

The Glass is Half Held-Against-You: The imbibing idiot bias

The imbibing idiot bias. That’s what this study is all about. The imbibing idiot bias: “The imbibing idiot bias: Consuming alcohol can be hazardous to your (perceived) intelligence,” Scott I. Rick and Maurice E. Schweitzer, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2013, Pages 212–219. (Thanks to investigator Neil Martin for bringing this to […]