Introducing ‘Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion’

“Men’s dress and fashion have been side-lined in scholarship, and this journal provides a dedicated space for the discussion, analysis, and theoretical development of men’s appearance from multiple disciplines. All articles are blind-peer reviewed in order to maintain the highest standards of scholastic integrity.“


The (new) journal is entitled : ‘Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion’ and the entire inaugural issue is being made free to download in .pdf form. Volume 1, issue 1, has peer-reviewed papers on :

• Peacocks in the sands: Flamboyant men’s beachwear 1920–30

• Rebranding American men’s heritage fashions through the use of visual merchandising, symbolic props and masculine iconic memes historically found in popular culture  and:

• The hankie code revisited: From function to fashion  from which the (unauthenticated) photo above is taken.