A technical call for cuteness

Cuteness is now an engineering concept. On February 24th, 2008, engineers will gather in Cape Town, South Africa for a workshop on cuteness. The call for participants explains: Designing Cute Interactive Media Cuteness has an effective design philosophy that can be used in many areas to make emotionally engaging user interactive systems, as well as […]

Canine conversation?

To what extent do dogs converse, and if they do chat, what do they chat about? This video implicitly raises those questions: NOTE: We recommend that, if you have a dog, have that dog sit in the room while you play this video. (Thanks to WTF Nature and Investigator Rose Fox for bringing this to […]

The cost of wisdom

Now we know — or at least, someone has estimated — the cost of finding wisdom. An announcement from the University of Chicago says: DEFINING WISDOM The Arete Initiative at The University of Chicago is pleased to announce a $2 million research program on the nature and benefits of Wisdom. Once regarded as a subject […]