Dan McCune joins LFHCfS

Dan McCune has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. He says: My qualifications include 1) having luxuriant hair, usually flowing, and 2) I am an adrenergic pharmacologist who has investigated receptor binding and cellular signal transduction beyond the point that any sane individual would wish to do so. I (and my hair) received […]

Susanna Lewis joins the LFHCfS

Susanna Lewis has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. She says: I wish to gently protest the ageism implied in ?From that lone, Pinkerian seed, there has grown a spreading chestnut, black, blond, and red-haired membership tree?. I am a molecular biologist; my group and I work on DNA palindromes. I would be […]

Satellite fall down go splat

DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: As the NOAA-N Prime spacecraft was being repositioned from vertical to horizontal on the “turn over cart” at approximately 7:15 PDT today, it slipped off the fixture, causing severe damage. (See attached photo). The 18′ long spacecraft was about 3′ off the ground when it fell. The mishap was caused because 24 […]

More arm-wrestling mechanical woes

Arm-wrestling machines (mentioned here yesterday) are still causing mahem, says investigator Brigitte Dalton, who alerts us to an August 21, 2007 Associated Press report, which begins: Lose a game of chess to a computer, and you could bruise your ego. Lose an arm-wrestling match to a Japanese arcade machine, and you could break your arm. […]