Mark Lewis joins LFHCfS

Mark Lewis has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. He says: I originally grew my hair out when I was in 8th grade. I’ve kept it long for almost 20 years now and I’ll leave it that way until genetics prevent me from having it. Mark Lewis Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science […]

The real-world Mycroft Holmes

The armchair reasoner, the person who watches and solves the world’s great and small problems while never budging from an armchair, is rare. One of the most famous, Mycroft Holmes, brother of the detective Sherlock Holmes, is fictional and of a past era. But at least one great armchair reasoner is practising her art now. […]

Brooke Keeney joins LFHCfS

Brooke Keeney has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. Gabriel Gartner who nominated her, says: I would like to nominate Brooke Keeney. Miss Keeney graduates from the University of California at Berkeley in 2004 with a B.A. in Integrative Biology. She has conducted research in both the lab and field, including North Africa, […]

Lethal frisbees and the US Air Force

TRITON SYSTEMS, INC. 200 TURNPIKE ROAD Chelmsford, MA Mr. James Gorman AF 06-141 Selected for Award Title: Modular Disc-Wing (Frisbee) Urban Cruise Munition (1000-844) Abstract: Triton Systems, Inc. of Chelmsford MA proposes to develop a MEFP-armed Lethal Frisbee UAV, whose purpose is to locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain and provide precision fires to […]

Navigation error: cliff

A container ship that crashed into a cliff was captured photographically. Some details of this and other transportation adventures are available from the “Singles Only” collection compiled by the cargo lawyers at the firm of Countryman & McDonald. (Thanks to Katherine Pierro and Richard Barrott for bringing this to our attention.)

Tanked scientist

Tanked scientist loses deadly poisons after night on the town SHIMONOSEKI, Yamaguchi — Police have launched a frantic search for three bottles of potentially deadly poison lost after a Shimonoseki Mitsui Chemicals official who had been carrying them went out for a night on the town and got so drunk he can’t remember what he […]

Paper philosophers

Some philosophers enjoy working on paper. Graham J. Rees of Sheffield University, for example, recently published this study: “On the Maximum Number of Folds of a Piece of Paper,” Philosophical Magazine Letters, vol. 86, no. 1, 2006, pp. 3-4. (Thanks to Investigator Klaus Schr?ter for bringing this to our attention, and to Chris McManus for […]

What the bird saw (sorta)

An obscure clip of a bird mimicking a chainsaw has been voted the nation’s favourite Sir David Attenborough moment. So says a May 7, 2006 Daily Mail article, which provides a link to a video clip. (Thanks to investigators Ellie Lee and Marc Pengryffyn for bringing this to our attention.)