Stirring the Porridge with Albert E. [investigation]

Can that act of stirring porridge provide insights into the puzzle of light’s quantum wave/particle duality? Photographer / author David Gepp (pron. ‘jep’) explains how – citing : 1) An encounter with Professor Jacques Mandelbrojt (cousin of Benoit Mandelbrot, of fractals fame) 2) Various contemplations of Albert Einstein’s gedankenexperiments (thought experiments) 3) The experience of […]

High-achieving professors’ brains – are they different (to low-achieving professors’)?

A new (and possibly unique) research project has performed detailed examinations of the physical structure of the brains of high-achieving university professors. More specifically, Chinese high-achieving university professors. Or, to be precise, male Chinese high-achieving university professors. Inspired (in part) by a 1999 study entitled ‘The exceptional brain of Albert Einstein’ (in: The Lancet, vol. 353, […]

Einstein undergoing fission (a particular philosophical viewpoint)

Nobel prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein was of course deeply interested in (and concerned with) the implications of splitting the atom, viz. nuclear fission. Philosophers on the other hand, not only consider such things, but can also go on to wonder : What about splitting Albert himself? Such a scenario is examined by Dr. Wolfgang Schwarz […]