The use of woodcutting ants as characters in Brazilian Nativity-scenes [study]

Ants were in use as miniaturized characters in Brazilian nativity scenes until at least the 1960s. “Present in Brazil since the beginning of Portuguese colonization, crèche nativity scenes were soon adapted to local reality, a propitious circumstance for the appearance of heterodox conceptions and the use of exotic elements of the fauna and flora peculiar […]

Ministerial Exploration: Ozone Up the Rectum in Brazil

The pandemic is inspiring a few individuals to new depths of innovation. The English translation of this headline is: “Minister of Health meets with supporters of ozone use in the rectum against covid-19“. The August 5, 2020 news report appears in the Brazilian magazine CartaCapital: The article begins by saying: “The interim Minister of Health, […]

Ph.D. Thesis About Attending Orgies

Victor Hugo De Souza Barreto attended orgies, gathering facts for his Ph.D. thesis. The thesis is: “Festas ee Orgia Para Homens: Territórios ee Intensidade Esocialidade Masculina,” Victor Hugo De Souza Barreto, doctoral thesis in anthropology, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil, 2016. The author explains: In this work , I intend to present a reflection on certain […]

Personality Traits and Coffee, Tea, Cola Drinks, Smoking

A Brazilian team tried to find the connection, if any, between personality traits and the consumption of coffee, tea, and cola drinks, and smoking. Then they published a report: “Distinct Personality Traits Associated with Intake of Coffee, Tea, and Cola Drinks and Smoking,” Diogo R. Lara, Eduardo Antoniolli, Julia Frozi, Ricardo Schneider, Gustavo L. Ottoni, […]

Sex With Animals: Results of a new survey

The new Brazilian report about sex with animals has finally been published online. “Sex with Animals (SWA): Behavioral Characteristics and Possible Association with Penile Cancer. A Multicenter Study,” Stênio de Cássio Zequi [pictured here], et al., Journal of Sexual Medicine, published online October 2011. (Thanks to Richard Wassersug for bringing this to our attention.) The […]