Guinness bubble/widget followup: limerick

A followup to yesterday’s post about “Beer bubble appreciation in Limerick“: Martin Eiger, the Limerick laureate, points to a Technology Review article about the new Guinness Stout beer bubble study. Tech Review notes that the study authors, who are mathematicians at the University of Limerick, and opens with this headline: “Mathematicians Reinvent The Beer Widget […]

Beer bubble appreciation in Limerick

To celebrate St. Patrick’s day in style (at least a certain kind of style, heavily influence by a love of physics), one can savor and digest these two studies about the properties of bubbles in Guinness Beer. (Thanks to investigators Tatiana Divens and Stanislav Volkov for bringing them to our attention.) “Bubble nucleation in stout […]

Beer: An old story

Our premium beer is brewed with ancient yeast preserved in amber and revived after 45 million years to provide a distinguished and satisfying taste So says the web site of the Fossil Fuels Brewing Company. Beer writer William Brand sampled some in a bar, and wrote about the experience. The description is similar to written […]