Kids’ Music Preferences and Their Delinquency

If you dislike the music your kids listen to, then (depending on what kind of music they like) you have a new club to swing at them. See this study:

bogt0101Early Adolescent Music Preferences and Minor Delinquency.” Tom FM Ter Bogt [pictured here, possibly listening to music], Loes Keijsers, and Wim HJ Meeus, Pediatrics, epub January 26, 2013. The authors, at Utrecht University, explain:

OBJECTIVES: To test Music Marker Theory (MMT) positing that early adolescents’ preferences for nonmainstream types of popular music indicate concurrent and later minor delinquency…. MMT was tested in a 4-year longitudinal study (n = 309).

RESULTS: The results showed that early fans of different types of rock (eg, rock, heavy metal, gothic, punk), African American music (rhythm and blues, hip-hop), and electronic dance music (trance, techno/ hardhouse) showed elevated minor delinquency concurrently and longitudinally. Preferring conventional pop (chart pop) or highbrow music (classic music, jazz), in contrast, was not related to or was negatively related to minor delinquency.

CONCLUSIONS: Early music preferences emerged as more powerful indicators of later delinquency rather than early delinquency, indicating that music choice is a strong marker of later problem behavior.

The study includes this persuasively complex diagram:


(Thanks to investigator Erwin Kompanje for bringing this to our attention.)