Unusual objects from within

A group of doctors are posting info about unusual objects they have removed from patients.

(Thanks to NPR’s Shots blog and to Ivan Oransky for bringing this to our attention.)

BONUS: These objects may or may not rival those honored, indirectly, in the 1995 Ig Nobel Prize for literature. That went to David B. Busch and James R. Starling, of Madison Wisconsin, for their deeply penetrating research report, “Rectal foreign bodies: Case Reports and a Comprehensive Review of the World’s Literature.” The citations include reports of, among other items: seven light bulbs; a knife sharpener; two flashlights; a wire spring; a snuff box; an oil can with potato stopper; eleven different forms of fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs; a jeweler’s saw; a frozen pig’s tail; a tin cup; a beer glass; and one patient’s remarkable ensemble collection consisting of spectacles, a suitcase key, a tobacco pouch and a magazine.
REFERENCE: Surgery, September 1986, pp. 512-519.