Duck guy visits sex museum

On his way to the Ig Nobel prize ceremony, 2003 biology prize winner Kees Moeliker will stop over in New York for a public talk in the Museum of Sex. Tuesday, September 30th at 1 and 4 pm, he will take part in a gallery chat in the exhibition ‘The Sex Lives of Animals‘. MoS curator Sarah Jacobs (see photo) will introduce the philosophy of the exhibit and Kees Moeliker will elaborate on homosexual necrophilia, in the mallard duck and other animals.

The tale of the duck that won Moeliker his Ig Nobel prize in 2003 is part of the exhibition now featuring in the Museum of Sex. The duck has his own little wall: the wall of the mallard.

The Museum of Sex is at 233 Fifth Avenue, New York. With a ticket to the museum (18+ only) the gallery chat is free of charge.