Super Security: A salute to Agent CSA80

This afternoon, Comcast began blocking any email I send. (I connect to the Internet through a cable to Comcast. I have been Comcast’s customer for more than a decade.)

An email message from Comcast directed me to a web page that tells how to telephone Comcast. I telephoned Comcast, and talked with a man in their Security Department. The man told me that:

  1. He cannot find out whether they are blocking my email, or why.
  2. Maybe they are blocking it because maybe I send too much email.
  3. They will block my email for at least 24 hours, maybe longer.

I asked the man to adjust their computer system so I can resume sending email. He told me that:

  1. He cannot make any adjustments to their computer system.
  2. Nobody at Comcast can make any adjustments to that system, even when things go wrong.

I asked to talk with the man’s supervisor. The man told me that:

  1. I cannot discuss this with his supervisor, or with anybody else at Comcast.
  2. He cannot tell me his name, but I can call him “Agent CSA80”.
  3. I can tell reporters about this.

And so, on this very busy day, I salute Agent CSA80, and I salute Comcast. And I will find a different way to send email.