Dawn Parker joins LFHCfS

Dawn Parker has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. She says:

I interviewed for my current highly interdisciplinary position at George Mason on a 95 degree day in April, on which my luxuriant flowing tresses were nothing short of Medusa-like, meeting with the Provost and deans of three colleges as part of the interview process. The university subsequently made me a very attractive offer well tailored to my diverse strengths and activities. I accepted the job with confidence, knowing that if my hair were acceptable to the broader university community, my ideas as a whole were likely to be as well. My research on agent-based models of land-use and land-cover change resides at the ecotone between economics and geography.

Dawn Cassandra Parker, PhD, LFHCfS
Assistant Professor, Department of Computational Social Science, Kransnow Institute for Advanced Study
Affiliate, Departments of Environmental Science and Policy, Geography, and Geoinformation and Earth Systems Science, College of Science
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
