The forceful adventures of Dr. Bane

I’m far from home at my annual conference. Dr. Bane is here, and worse than ever before. While he didn’t crash the board meetings, he has serially violated the graduate students: he forces them to listen to his grand delusions about his role in the creation of the universe for hours at a time. The more senior members of the society have begun a watch, and when we see a student with him for more than a few minutes, we invent some important errand that the student must go on right away.

Today, near the end of a talk, Dr. Bane walked into the lecture hall and tried to squeeze into a crowded front row. He knocked one of our Academy members off his chair. He stepped on a student’s bag. He knocked over the table behind him, spilling water on everyone there.

Then. His. Pants. Fell. Off.

All the way down to the ankles. Biggest damn pair of tighty-whiteys I’ve ever seen. It took me at least an hour and a half to compose myself. Several people saw me running from the lecture hall in tears, and thought there’d been a death in my family.

You probably think I’m making this up. But I’m not.

So writes the Angry Professor.