Peanut butter in the head

missler.jpgPeanut butter inspires its own kind of logic. So one must conclude from watching Chuck Missler explain the relationship between peanut butter and something (it is difficult for a layperson or a scientist to determine what) he calls “evolution.” Missler’s video is about two minutes long.

Chuck says he is the former Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles for the U.S. Air Force.

peanut-butter-book.gifHe helped inspire the authors of our study “The Effects of Peanut Butter on the Rotation of the Earth” (and its German-language version, “Der Einflu? von Erdnu?butter auf die Erdrotation“).

Chuck is redefining religion, science, and technology, setting a standard for others to emulate.

(Thanks to investigators Al Rollins and Gert Toner for bringing Mr. Missler to our attention.)

UPDATE: Investigator Arun Gridhar writes in support of Chuck Missler’s rival, Kirk Cameron. Cameron disdains the use of peanut butter in his proofs. Cameron is a banana man.CameronBanana.jpg