Pigeon-load almosts

Here are two of the runner-up entries to the Pigeon Load Limerick Contest. The contest, announced in the June issue of miniAIR, is to write a limerick that elucidates this research report:

"Transmitter Loads Affect the Flight Speed and Metabolism of Homing Pigeons," J.A. Gessaman and K.A. Nagy, Condor, vol. 90, 1988, pp. 662?8.

The winner will be announced in the July issue of mini-AIR. Here, in the meanwhile, are some other attempts of interest.

A pigeon while on his flight  back
To his home loaded up with a sack
   Of electronic gear,
   Cries "I’m hot, oh dear dear,
And to fly fast I’ve quite lost the knack."

A transmitter’s load is sufficient
To increase the drag coefficient
   On pigeons that home.
   And thus, when they roam
They are slower and less fuel-efficient.