New Year’s Non-Cork Popping

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (formerly and lovingly known as the Centers for Disease Control) have/has issued a statistics-based safety reminder for New Year’s Eve celebrants. The full report appears in the December 24, 2004 issue of MMWR. Here are some highlights: New Year’s Eve Injuries Caused by Celebratory Gunfire — Puerto Rico, […]

Test a Parrot

The report "Testing a Language-Using Parrot for Telepathy," by Rupert Sheldrake and Aim?e Morgana, includes these provocatively calming words of confident caution: [T]hese experiments provide compelling evidence of interspecies telepathy. This phenomenon is currently unexplained within the dominant scientific model. (Thanks to investigator Audrey Devine-Eller for bringing this to our attention.)

Facing Santa

Pediatric reactions to Santa Claus are photo-documented in a new research project. Based in South Florida, the project would seem to confirm the disturbing findings reported last year (and  subsequently in more detail) by 2003 Ig Nobel Literature Prize winner John Trinkaus.

More About Mastache

There’s much info available about Professor Jesus Mastache Roman, the scholar who was the unfortunate posthumous victim of a typographical error that converted him into the memorably named Jesus Mustache Roman. Professor Mastache’s son, Alberto Mastache, has compiled a good deal of biographical and other knowledge about Professor Mastache.  (Thanks to Alberto Mastache for alerting […]