The Poet Ramel Loves Insects

Gordon Ramel loves insects. He has written poetry, and he is trying to educate a sometimes unappreciative world. Here is an educational effort that appeared recently on the ENTOMO-L discussion list. Gordon Ramel responded to this inquiry: FROM: Erin Johnson I’m working on a television series about entertaining ‘bugs’ (I use the term ‘bugs’ in […]

The maneuvers of Heimlich

We have been reading strange reports about the celebrated Dr. Henry Heimlich of Heimlich Maneuver fame. A report in the December 8 issue of the Detroit Metro Times is headlined "Off the Deep End." We ourselves recently  encountered and heartily enjoyed the stirring book "Milk: The Deadly Poison," co-authored glowingly by Dr. Heimlich’s wife, Jane […]

Best of the bad

Ben Goldacre of The Guardian has just announced this year’s crop of Bad Science Award winners. One of our favorites is Dr. Ali ("Britain’s top integrated health expert") of Harley Street, whose eminence and apparent lack of an MD degree have been remarked upon by admirers and passers-by. (Thanks to Linda Rosa for bringing this […]

Matched Locks?

Investigator Sharon DeLisle sent us this inquiry: I am struck by the resemblance between the two newest members of the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists (LFHCfS). Dr. Peter Jorgensen and Dr. Catherine Fiorello appear to be a matched pair. Are they in some way mutual admirers?

Congratulations, Jerry Crook

Congratulations are due to Jerry Crook. New Scientist magazine’s "Feedback" column, in the December 4, 2004 issue, presents this item: EARLIER this year, we noted the headline "Crook named CEO" of the year and wondered "So what’s new?" (20 March, 2004). Now we find that the person the headline referred to, Jerry Crook, is in […]

Karaoke and the Ig

Investigators Bob Frenay and Hanya Brayman, who traveled 250 miles to attend the recent Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, write: On the way out of Cambridge, Hanya and I stopped for breakfast at a place on Massachusetts Ave. at State St. called ?Miracle of Science Bar + Grill.?  A friendly, somewhat funky little place with a […]