Self-inflicted: Squirrel Tissue Embedded with Birdshot in His Butt

Another apparent first in the history of medicine (brought to our attention by Sarah Wickline, writing in MedPage Today): “Gunshot Wound Contamination with Squirrel Tissue: Wound Care Considerations,” Porter W. Maerz, Tricia B. Falgiani, and Robyn M. Hoelle [pictured here], Case Reports in Emergency Medicine, vol. 2014 (2014), Article ID 342914. The authors, at the University of […]

Firing a shotgun to calculate the approximate value of π

This mathematics paper broadens the old definition of “a shotgun approach” to solving a problem: “A Ballistic Monte Carlo Approximation of π,” Vincent Dumoulin [pictured here], Félix Thouin, arXiv 1404.1499v2, April 8, 2014. (Thanks to investigator Marcus Sprenkel for bringing this to our attention.) The authors, at the University of Montreal, report: “We compute a […]

Dwyer’s 1976 patent for shotgun-shell garden seeding

A “new” Swedish invention (and/or perhaps publicity-seeking device) seems just a repeat of an American invention patented in 1976.  See below for details of the original patent. (Thanks to investigator Jesse Eppers for bringing this to our attention.) The Swedish project, called Flowershell, has promotional videos. Here’s one of those: Huffington Post discusses it: “‘Flower Shell’ Makes […]