Annals of Improbable Research MAR | APR (volume 28, number 2)

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Special Issue: Viruses & Pandemics

Do Eyeglasses Vanquish Viruses?
Pandemic Group Sex
Pandemic Gelato Consumption


The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.

Special Section: Viruses and Pandemics

5 Pandemic Dining: Gelato, Candy, Lettuce, Frozen Meat*
8 Virus Toiletometry*
9 Pandemic-Fingering: Manning and His Digits*
12 Anti-Pandemic Drinking and Drugging*
16 Pandemic-Handling: Toilet Paper, Horror, and the Wealthy*
20 Beauty and Masks in Pandemic Time*
26 Eyeglasses Against COVID-19*
28 Viruses Research Review: Group Sex, Singer, Saint, Count*

Improbable Research Reviews*

2 May We Recommend: Bugbee on Bugs that Bug Bees*
14 Medical Research: Kissing, Beer, Lime*
18 Improbable Research: Mummyspeak, Butt Electrode, Jargon*
25 Icky Cutesy: Icky Cutesy Research: Cleaning, Having, Eating*
30 Ig® and Beyond: Table Salt Life, and Visited Reindeer*

News & Notes

3 AIR Vents: Germs and Grabs
22 AIR Books
27 Teachers’ Guide
33 Ig Nobel Limericks: Vampire Bats and Side Scratching*
34 Back Issues
IBC Unclassified Ads

Some Coming Events

The Covid-19 pandemic has introduced excitingly boundless uncertainty as to whether, when, and where public activities will happen in the near future. In 2022 some will happen teledistantly.

See IMPROBABLE.COM for details of these and other events:

NOTE: The 2022 Ig Nobel Euro (and Brexitannia) Tour was, like the 2020 and 2021 tours, canceled because of the pandemic

Improbable Conversations with Researchers— See schedule on the web site.
September, 2022— The 32nd First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony


On the Front Cover

CENTER: A dead seagull entangled with a discarded pandemictime face mask, both collected from a road in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Photo: Erwin Kompanje.
TOP AND BOTTOM: Air exhaust patterns from the mouth of an opera singer. See page 28.

On the Back Cover

A professor in a mask, in a coffee shop, in a pandemic. Photo: A.S. Kaswell.