Annals of Improbable Research SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2015 (vol 21, number 5)

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Special Issue: Clever Inventions

How to Match Matching Socks,
Kissing Shields,
The Self-Defense Wig…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special section: Clever Inventions

Inventions to Match Up Matching Socks* – Csikszentmihalyi Aeiou
The Self-Defense Wig of Dr. Nakamats* – Alice Shirrell Kaswell
The Undersea Adventure Inventions of John Ernest and Charles Williamson* – Csikszentmihalyi Aeiou
The Lip/Tape Innovation in Whistling* – Csikszentmihalyi Aeiou
Plucked From Obscurity: Kissing and Tongue Shields* – Marina Tsipis

Improbable Research Reviews*

Improbable Research Review* – Dirk Manley
Improbable Medical Review* – Bertha Vanatian
Boys Will Be Boys* – Katherine Lee
Soft Is Hard* – Alice Shirrell Kaswell and Bissell Mango
Improbable Sex* – Marc Abrahams
Icky Cutesy Research Review* – Alice Shirrell Kaswell
Ig and Beyond: Guilt Washing, and a Messy Retraction* – Nan Swift

News & Notes

The 25th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony and Improbable Research Weekly Podcast
AIR Vents (letters from our readers)
Editorial Board
Teachers’ Guide
KIM CARTOON: Astrophysics Made Simple – Nick Kim
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Bursting Bladder, Green Hair, and the Eiffel Tower* – Martin Eiger
Puzzling Solutions: Pills, Pills, Poison – Emil Filterbag
SATTENTION: The Great From-Paper-to-PDF Transformation
Index of Special Issues
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

One of Dr. Nakamats’s more than 3500 inventions: a BarcaLounger-class armchair that is said to improve mental functions, such as calculation and thinking, by cooling the head and heating the feet of the person who sits in it. Photo: Alice Shirrell Kaswell, taken at the World Genius Convention in Tokyo, July 2015.

On the Back Cover

A doctor’s office in 2015 in Medford, MA.