Annals of Improbable Research MAY | JUN 2020 (vol 26, number 3)

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Special Issue: Small Animals

— 4 bonus pages! —

Mice Yo-Yo Spaghetti Events
Cockroach Head-On Collisions
Pseudoscorpions Hitchhiking on Bats…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Small Animals

Swimming Behaviour of the Dropped Upside-Down Swimming Catfish*
Small Animals Research: Pseudoscorpions Hitchhiking on Bats*
Mice: Yo-Yo Spaghetti into the Mouth*
Millipedes: How Many Legs?*
Ants: On Stilts, Bunkered*
Worms Research: Vibrating, Viscoelastic, Grunting*
Some Students Say: Earthworm Emotions?*
May We Recommend: Dogs Vs. Cats in Bed*
Medical: Deadly Dead Snakes? Swim Pool Head Lice?*
Bedbugs: Dirty Laundry*
Cockroaches: Head-On-Collisions*
Beetles: Necrophilia, Bouncing Back*
Lizards: Big Poop Rock, Un-Snakey Flicking*

Improbable Research Reviews

Wear a Mask?*

News & Notes

AIR Vents (letters from our readers): High Adventure for Fish
Ig® and Beyond: Depilation and Drowning*
Ig Nobel Limericks: Ugly Paintings, Prostitution and Drugs*
Editorial Board
Index of Special Issues
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

Small animals and small animal cookies. Montage by Nan Swift.

On the Back Cover

Old children’s books in which the main characters are small animals.