Annals of Improbable Research MAY | JUNE 2017 (vol 23, number 3)

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Special Issue: Fears and Tears

Rats, Nazis, Sauerkraut,
Spider-Fearing Entomologists,
Sex on a Fear-Arousing Bridge…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Fears and Tears

Fears Research*
Tears Research*
May We Recommend: Sexual Attraction on a Fear-Arousing Bridge*
Sexual Attraction and Unattraction to Tears*
Scientists Who Study Insects Afraid of Spiders?*
Spiders, Fear, and Size*
Soft Is Hard: Rats, Nazis, Sauerkraut*

Improbable Research Reviews*

Improbable Research: Bubble Wrap and Insignificance*
Medical: Koch, Wrong, and Useless Ear Movement*
Improbable Sex: Smart Teens and Sex*
Ig® and Beyond: Hydrodynamics of Defecation; Chewing Gum*
Boys Will Be Boys: Congestion, Comeuppance*
Dog Research: Dogs and Humans, Peeing*
Cats Research: String and Balls*
Smoking / Drinking / Drugs: Kissing Addiction, Beer Branding*
Icky Cutesy: Head Zapping, and an Extra Scalp*
Nominative Determinism: Paine on Pain, in Pain*

News & Notes

AIRVents  (letters from our readers): Walk With a Painting, Smell Like a Goat
Editorial Board
Puzzling Solutions: On the Identicalitity of Dr. Ames
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Ponytails and Coffee Spills*
Index of Special Issues
Teachers’ Guide
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

Detail from a study about bees that drink human tears. See page 8.

On the Back Cover

Bicycle stands outside the physics department at the University of Catania, Italy. Photo: Alice Shirrell Kaswell.