Annals of Improbable Research MAY | JUNE 2016 (vol 22, number 3)

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Special Issue: Time & Boredom

Time for Boredom*
Descent of the Bored Head*
Time for Imperial Boredom*

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Improbable Research*

Forensic: Nosewitness ID, Chopping Machine*

Improbable Research Reviews*

Improbable Research: Robot Baby Smiles, Chew Buckwheat*
Medical: Watch Out for Wrist Watches*
Improbable Sex: Promiscuity Premise, Novel Women*
Boys Will Be Boys: Water-Sound Wee, Assemblages*
Icky Cutesy: Apple Medicine, Kid Saliva*
Animals: Stilts, Inhumanity, and Mirrors*
Cats: Looking Out Windows*
Dogs: Sniffing Whales, Petting*
Coffee & Tea: Earl Grey Hazard, Women Over Men*
Business: Triple Zak*
Smoking / Drinking / Drugs: Health Benefits of Dirty Water and Smoking*
Soft Is Hard: Matrimonial Height, Topsy-Turvy Art*
Mind / Brain / Thinking: Height Fear, Shopping Lists*
May We Recommend: Feminist Glaciers*
Ig® and Beyond: Paintings, Sparrows, Salad*

News & Notes

AIR Vents (letters from our readers): Debussy’s Flat, Figure Pooh
Editorial Board
Puzzling Solutions: Rudolfo Chips Away
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Unboiled Egg, Unbribed Cops*
KIM CARTOON: “Chicken Volunteers”
AIR books
Nobel Limericks: Wee Duration, 888 Kids*
Puzzling Solutions: Heads in Hollan
Index of Special Issues
Teachers’ Guide
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

Data from the study “A Preliminary System for Recognizing Boredom,” [See the article “Descent of the Bored Head, pg 6.]

On the Back Cover

Physicist William Hoston and psychologist Jean Berko Gleason read about how they jointly delivered the traditional “Welcome, welcome” speech at the 2015 Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. Photo: Alice Shirell Kaswell.