Annals of Improbable Research MAR | APR 2019 (vol 25, number 2)

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Special Issue: Habits & Tricks

Nose Picking habits
Eating habits
Dish Washing habits

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Habits & Tricks

Research on Nosepicking*
Research on Fidgeting*
Habits Research: Dishwashing and Downloading*
Ig® and Beyond: Shopping and Retracted Habits*
Eating Habits*
Medical Patients’ Habits: Mouth Breathing, Cable Chewing, Sucking*
Medical Professionals’ Habits: Mask Wiggling, Role Modeling*
Medical Trick Question: No Bullet, But… Butt?*
Magic and Rodeo Tricks Research*
Forensic Research: Knot Habits*

Improbable Research Reviews

Improbable Research: Bacteria and Birthday Cakes*
May We Recommend: Cactus Spine Puncture Performance*
Boys Will Be Boys: Flatulence, Exciting, Usage*
Icky Cutesy: Willingness Toupee, Russian Roulette*

News & Notes

AIRVents  (letters from our readers): More Musty and Wiener Sausage
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Hijacker Packaging, Report Reporting*
Editorial Board
Index of Special Issues
Teachers’ Guide
 Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

At the 1926 US Department of Agriculture’s Food Habits Conference.

On the Back Cover

Ten Ig Nobel Prize winners and 50 journalists at the press opening of the Ig Nobel Prizes exhibition, in the Tokyo Dome complex, September 2018