Annals of Improbable Research MARCH | APRIL 2016 (vol 22, number 2)

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Special Issue: Smelly

Smelly People,
Smelly Things,
Smelly Theories…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Smelly Research

Smelly Research: Socks, Scratch Density, Smelly Maps*
Smelly Objects: Pickled Coins, Wet Cardboard*
Jazz and TV Smells: Sniffin’ Sticks, and Tones*
Body Odor: Botox and BO, E-Nose*
Smelliness and Anxiety: Sweat, Breath, Social Acceptance*
Smelliness and Personality: Dominance*
Reproduction Smelliness: Garlic, Fenu-Greek, Fluids*
Smells in the Workplace: Corporeal Porosity, Olfactory Methodology*
Food and Food-like Smelliness: Garlic, Fishy*
Happiness Smells: Sweaty-Scent, Body Odor*
Politics and Danger Smells: Ideology, Boxers*
Smelly Relatives: Close Relatives, Twins*
The Smell of Sweetheart: Sniffing the Clothes*
Animal Smelliness: Swine and Stinky Chicks*
Smelly Age and Gender: Onion-Odored Women*

Improbable Research Reviews*

Medical: Coughless Corpses, Stinky Remedy*
Improbable Sex: Apple a Day*
Business: Your Product Smells*
Coffee & Tea: Smell Blindness, Saliva*
Soft Is Hard: Whistling, Big Mouth*
Ig® and Beyond: 1/2 Maggot, Faces*

News & Notes

AIR Vents (letters from our readers): Flat Rodin, Poo Figure
Editorial Board
Puzzling Solutions: Rudolfo Chips Away
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Unboiled Egg, Unbribed Cops*
KIM CARTOON: “Antbiotic Resistance”
Index of Special Issues
Teachers’ Guide
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

The enigmatic smile of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is symbolic of the scientific enigma, pleasing and not, that is smell.

On the Back Cover

Acne in Stockholm, Sweden, March 2016. (Photo: Alice Shirell Kaswell.)