Annals of Improbable Research JANURARY | FEBRUARY 2016 (vol 22, number 1)

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Special Issue: Human Heads & Garlic Juice

Head Rod,
Shoppers & Headless Mannequins,
Rocine and His Heads…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Human Heads & Garlic Juice

Victor Gabriel Rocine and His Heads* – Stephen Drew
Azizkhani’s Self-Tested Intravenous Garlic Juice Herpes Treatment* – Bertha Vanatian

Improbable Research Reviews*

Improbable Research: Ant Odors, Head Rod*
Improbable Medical: Calming and Injurious Fish*
Improbable Sex: Length and Duration Hypotheses
Business: Jerks, Headless Mannequins*
Improbable Sex*
Cats: Reactions to Owners*
Coffee & Tea: Coffee vs. Electro-zapping, 150 Teabags*
Dogs: Dogs Like, Dogs Snub*
Eating & Cooking Research: Double-Dipping, Craving*
Forensic: Standard Depravity, Death by Coin*
Boys Will Be Boys: Bottom Snuff, Snake A-Void*
Nominative Determinism: Fish’s Fishes*
Icky Cutesy: Jurassic Pork, Shocking Electrocution*
Some Students Say: Effects of Wearing Suits*
May We Recommend: Cornering Quolls Crash*
Stupidity & Incompetence: Pseudo-Profound Bullshit, Using Stupidity*
Soft Is Hard: Dishwashing Mindfulness; Psychopath Non-Yawning*
Ig® and Beyond: Drunken Pragmatism, Rug Rucks**

News & Notes

AIR Vents (letters from our readers)
AIR books
Puzzling Solutions: Why Pavlov
Editorial Board
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Dread, Silencing, Salmon*
KIM CARTOON: “All the Elements”
Back Issues
Teachers’ Guide
Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

Four of Victor Gabriel Rocine’s many heads (see page 6).

On the Back Cover

Five of Victor Gabriel Rocine’s many ears (see page 6).