Annals of Improbable Research JAN | FEB 2019 (vol 25, number 1)

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Special Issue: Surprising Tastes

Watching Strangers Eat
Mousy Off-Flavor in Corks
Vegetarians Versus Meat Eaters…

The features marked with a star (*) are based entirely on material taken straight from standard research (and other Official and Therefore Always Correct) literature. Many of the other articles are genuine, too, but we don’t know which ones.


Special Section: Surprising Tastes

Tastes Different*
Mousy Off-Flavor in Corks
Vegetarians Versus Meat Eaters*
Watching What Strangers Eat*

Improbable Research Reviews

May We Recommend: Boring Speakers
Improbable Research: Bowel Sounds, Rock Stars, Standing Ovation*
Medical Research: Bowel Sounds, Sunglasses, Snake Detection*
Icky Cutesy: Beach Vibes, Pits Comparison*
Splatt and Weedon—The Birth of Nominative Determinism*
Boys Will Be Boys: Postmen, Laces, Rectal Pitch*
Ig® and Beyond: Plane Noise, Colorful Bowl, Bad Popcorn*

News & Notes

AIRVents  (letters from our readers): Big on Particles
Ig® Nobel Limericks: Mouse Heart Opera, Single-handed Applause*
Editorial Board
Index of Special Issues
Teachers’ Guide
 Unclassified Ads

On the Front Cover

Detail from the study “Emotions Generated by Meat and Other Food Products in Women.” See page 15.

On the Back Cover

Chocolates, in the shapes and colors of  cosmetics, scissors, and other non-comestibles, on sale in a shop in the Manchester Piccadilly railway station, UK. Photo: Alice Shirrell Kaswell.