Innovative Scientists Talk About Their Childhood (11): Suzana Herculano-Houzel and the Ink

Here’s Suzana Herculano-Houzel, talking about watching some ink have inky adventures in water, when she was a child. That jumping excited Suzana in a way that led to her eventual unusual career. Suzana studies how brains do some of the astounding things brains do.

ABOUT THIS LITTLE VIDEO SERIES—This is part of a series of sessions we (David Hu and I, and a film crew) recorded at Georgia Tech. We assembled a little group of scientists (including David) who are renowned for looking at questions others might overlook, and doing research in inventive, clever ways.

The question we asked them: “What happened when you were a kid that somehow led—much later—to your doing unusual science?

The scientists: David Hu, Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Frans de Waal, Nicole Sharp, Diego Golombek, and Olga Shishkov. Follow the links on their names to begin exploring some of their work!