Jim Windgassen joins luxuriant hair club for engineers

We are please to announce the birth of a new sibling club to the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists (LFHCfS), and to introduce the new club’s first member.

Jim Windgassen has joined the LFFFHCfE – The Luxuriant Flowing, Former, or Facial Hair Club for Engineers. He says:

I am a senior advisory engineer with Northrop Grumman in Maryland.  Find below my official Northrop Grumman photograph as it appears in our company directory.  I am heavily involved doing volunteer STEM outreach work with kids which is what I am going to do when I retire from Northrop Grumman..

Jim Windgassen, BSME, LFFFFHCfE
Senior Advisory Engineer
Northrop Grumman Undersea Systems
Annapolis, Maryland, USA