A book no mathematician can resist?

What mathematician could resist buying a copy of this book, after reading the bookseller’s description:

Logics of Worlds is the long-awaited sequel to Alain Badiou’s much-heralded masterpiece, Being and Event. Tackling the questions that had been left open by Being and Event, and answering many of his critics in the process, Badiou supplements his pioneering treatment of multiple being with a daring and complex theory of the worlds in which truths and subjects make their mark a?? what he calls a materialist dialectic.

Even many of those many critics will enjoy criticizing both the being and the event in and of this book, once they are made aware that Badiou has supplemented his pioneering treatment of multiple being with a daring and complex theory of the worlds in which truths and subjects make their mark a?? what he calls a materialist dialectic.

N’est pas?

BONUS: They will also, perhaps, enjoy the book (the status of which, says the bookseller, is “currently unavailable”):

The world of logic. Toolkit for primary school teacher. 3rd ed / Mir logiki Metodicheskoe posobie dlya uchitelya nachalnoy shkoly – 3-e izd. – (“Biblioteka uchitelya nachalnoy shkoly “),