Magazine: the special Sloths & Vampires issue

The special Sloths & Vampires issue (vol. 19, no. 1) of the magazine (the Annals of Improbable Research) is now out!

Articles include “The Eager Pursuit of Sloths”, “Co-Existence of Vampires and Humans Is Possible: Proofs Based on Models Derived from Fiction Literature, Comic Books and Films”, “As the Worm Turns, Or Doesn’t”, and more, more, more, including new helping of “Medical Research Review”, “Boys Will Be Boys”, “Soft Is Hard”, and other reviews of outstandingly improbable research from many fields and countries.

Mel (right) says it’s swell.

Click on the Mel’s face to see the table of contents, buy the e-book version (first download a free preview of it, if you like!), or subscribe to the paper version.