A motivational letter we received

Today we received a letter from a man who identifies himself as “one of the most vital rising stars in today’s crowded market of motivational speakers.” It motivated us to say no.

So motivated is this man that he did not even need to glance at our magazine to see what kind of things we publish. And what kinds we obviously don’t.

He made us a generous offer, which motivated us to say no, and which we felt motivated to redact, and to share with you:

Dear Marc:

I am the author of a monthly column on motivation titled “[REDACTED]” that dozens of associations are currently running in their publications. I know that you, as the Editor of ANNALS OF IMPROBABLE RESEARCH, are constantly looking for fresh, interesting and useful information for your members.

On the other hand, as a writer, I am looking for a broader audience for my column by running it in non-competing publications. “[REDACTED]” explores the many aspects of motivation from inspiring others (employees, customers, volunteers, even family members), to self-motivation — which is especially important in today’s economy.

Therefore, I’d like to offer my column to you free-of-charge to run in your association’s magazine, newsletter, e-zine or website. All I ask is that you run my contact information at the bottom of each article.