Dickens and disease

But the hallmark of Lewy body disease is the real clincher in this diagnosis: vivid and detailed hallucinations featuring friends and relatives are common. And like Scrooge?s visions, these phantasms are distressing, often terrifying. Finally, in Lewy body dementia, hallucinations occur early in the disease, frequently before the cognitive deficits are apparent. I went back […]

Helsinki Complaints

The Helsinki Complaints Choir (video link) is, in the view of those who do not believe otherwise, the finest of the world’s several complaints choirs. Helsinki is a good place to study complaints and choirs, and the relation between them. Laura Lehto and three colleagues at Helsinki University Central Hospital recently published the possibly pertinent […]

The philosopher who loved Buffy

James B. South, Chair of the Philosophy Department at Marquette University, loves philosophizing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He has edited a book called Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Other books in the “Popular Culture and Philosophy” series, of which South’s book is number 4, include Harry Potter and […]

Where do people go?

Where do people go? Though it’s a simple question, scholars disagree about where people choose to go to the toilet. What specifically concerns these scholars is a small aspect of the larger puzzle. When you give someone a choice of several, say four, toilet stalls arranged all in a row, which stall do people choose […]

Ig Nobel Winner Skilling begins 24-year vacation

Today, December 13, 2006, Ig Nobel Prize winner Jeffrey Skilling began a 24-year vacation at the Federal Correctional Institution in Waseca, Minnesota, according to an Associated Press report: Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling reported to federal prison on Wednesday to begin serving his 24-year sentence for fraud and other crimes in the collapse of the […]

Learning about soybeans

They say you learn something every day. Here’s what we learned today. Here’s Part 1. We learned it from Jim Rutz: A devil food is turning our kids into homosexuals…. Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it’s perfectly safe because it’s fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, […]