Brockert’s ballsy atomic interpretation

Investigator Ben Brockert writes: Have you seen the video of a man demonstrating Bohr’s model of the atom, with himself as the nucleus? He starts as hydrogen, then changes to lithium, boron, then nitrogen, and demonstrates the electrons changing orbits. Or it’s a guy in a big clear cone juggling colored balls. The interpretation is […]

Key cat video

Investigator Lydia C. Bislam writes: I’m not a cat person, so I used to wonder why you gave an Ig Nobel Prize to the guy [Chris Niswander of Tucson, Arizona, in the year 2000] who invented a thing that detects when a cat is typing on a computer. Then I saw this video that someone […]

The Chester Binge Drinking Conference

Members of the public were invited to attend a Binge Drinking Conference. So says a document published by the Chester City Area Committee. The Binge Drinking Conference, it confides, was co-hosted by Cheshire Police, Chester City Council and the Primary Care Trust on 15 September 2005 at the Town Hall in Chester, U.K.

Daniel Stern joins LFHCfS

Daniel Stern has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. He says: I’m particularly proud of my description in an article for the North County Times (serving San Diego and Riverside Counties): “Now, joining us in the dimly lit library, is a man with jet-black, Einstein-like disheveled hair, the astronomer who would be observing […]

Gracious guy on the spot

Investigator Betsy Devine writes: As I drank morning coffee, still half asleep, I heard Frank upstairs simply roaring with laughter at his email, which (I later discovered) included this YouTube video of live-action bloopery. Making a long story short, a grad student or taxi driver (I’ve seen two versions) named Guy Goma was whisked into […]

English football drag

World Cup urticaria (described in our Guardian column earlier this week) is not the only problem that afflicts English football fans. A May 31, 2006 report in the Daily Record says: ?1.2M DRAG TO FLY THE FLAG ENGLISH motorists flying the flag of St George on their cars during the World Cup will shell out […]

All-natural wedding feast

Brides and grooms and wedding planners needn’t agonize too, too much about the wedding feast. They can, instead, gain insight from reading Karim Vahed’s review of many little things that matter: “The function of nuptial feeding in insects: a review of empirical studies,” Karim Vahed, Biological Reviews, vol. 73, 1998, pp. 43-78. Professor Vahed is […]