The man who knows better

Investigator Carlos E. Figueroa Castro writes:

I would like to make you aware of Mr. Fernando Vallejo, a Colombian writer. Two of his most recent books are La tautolog?a de Darwin (Darwin’s tautology) and Manualito de imposturolog?a f?sica (Little manual of physical imposturology"). Mr.Vallejo was able to prove, in less than two years, that Charles Darwin, James Clerk Maxwell, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein were wrong, among others. Some of his other achievements:

1. The description of the "Aquino", a unit used to measure the level of imposture (derived from the work of Saint Thomas d’ Aquin). Example: Einstein: 280 "Aquinos", Maxwell: 180.
2. The Einstein’s formula E=mc2 is wrong
3. Apples and pianos share a common characteristic: They lack a gravitational field.