Bicycle helmets on bisexuals vs. heterosexuals

Bicycle helmets [one of which is pictured here] are possible keys to understanding many problems. A new study features both provocative data and a long title:

Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9-12  — Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, Selected Sites, United States, 2001-2009,” Laura Kann, Emily O’Malley Olsen, Tim McManus, Steve Kinchen David Chyen, William A. Harris and Howell Wechsler [also pictured here], Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), June 6, 2011. (Thanks to investigator Deborah Blum for bringing this to our attention.)  The authors report that:

“The prevalence of having rarely or never worn a bicycle helmet was lower among heterosexual than bisexual students in four sites (Delaware, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and higher among heterosexual than unsure students in four sites (Boston, Chicago, New York City, and San Francisco).”