Short article(s): So long, psychologists?

Today we look at a psychology professor’s inside-the-profession look at papers published by his peers in the American Psychological Association (also known as the “APA”). The professor’s paper is:

The demise of the increasingly protracted APA journal article?” Gregory D. Webster, American Psychologist, vol. 62, 2007, pp. 255-257.

The professor is University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Gregory D. Webster, author of the noted study “Playboy playmates, the Dow Jones, consumer sentiment, and the Doomsday Clock: A critical examination of the Environmental Security Hypothesis,” [Journal of Social, Evolutionary & Cultural Psychology, vol. 2, no. 2, 2008, pp. 23-41], which we highlighted here recently.

BONUS: Here’s the journal editor’s discussion of this phenomenon.