Flameproof head guys

When Maurice Ward began tinkering with chemicals in a ladies’ hairdressing salon he never dreamed he was on the way to revolutionizing the American space program. All the Middlesbrough hairdresser was trying to achieve was a flame retardant wig but it eventually led to the discovery of a plastic that can stop a nuclear blast. […]

Spanking and mice

Sergei Speransky Institute of Hygiene in Novosibirsk is in the news again. A March 26, 2005 article in Pravda reports that: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Sergei Speransky, is a very well known figure in Novosibirsk. The doctor became one of the authors of the shocking whipping therapy. The professor used the self-flagellation method to cure […]

Gluteal hardness in security guards

Peter Freundlich’s how-to study "Assessing Gluteal Hardness in Security Guards," appears in the special Security Issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. It begins: Here is something that will almost certainly happen to you at some point in your life, if it hasn?t happened repeatedly already: You will be engaged in what seems to you […]

Another take on another take on chemistry

The re-Discovery Institute says that its " primary focus is to extend and promote Design Theories, which have been so successful in Biology, to the fields of Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics and Geology." Its greatest triumph, so far, is the revised periodic table of the elements: The re-Discovery Institute is inspired partly by the supercharged discoveries […]

Zen of likelihood in a nutshell

Peter Foster (of London’s Natural History Museum) is the author of "The idiot’s guide to the zen of likelihood in a nutshell in seven days for dummies, unleashed — A gentle introduction, for those of us who are small of brain, to the calculation of the likelihood of molecular sequences." (Thanks to Kristine Danowski and […]