Halfdan Skjerning joins the Luxuriant FFF Hair Club for Social Scientists (LFFFHCfSS)

Halfdan Skjerning  has joined the Luxuriant Flowing, Former, or/and Facial Hair Club for Social Scientists (LFHCfSS). He says:

I study Health-Related Quality of Life in children and adolescents with celiac disease. I am fascinated by the resilience or stubbornness of the beard. When trimmed down, it keeps growing out again – it’s like it doesn’t learn, or maybe it has a will of its own. Equally intriguing are the reactions of other people towards the beard; some want to touch it and look upon it with envy, while others are intimidated by it. You can tell a lot about people from their reactions to a beard.

Halfdan Skjerning, Ph.D, M.Sc. Psych., LFFFHCfSS
Hans Christian Andersen Children’s Hospital
University of Southern Denmark
Odense, Denmark

Halfdan Skjerning