Threatened masculinity, Rambling points, Sedate entertainment, Masterly inactivity, Tiny Truths

This week’s Feedback column (that I write) in New Scientist magazine has five segments. Here are bits of each of them: Threatened masculinity — … Psychology research procedures can be innovative and intricate, especially in the US. A study called “Examining the effect of threatened masculinity on gun violence” by Brittany Vincent and her colleagues at St. Joseph’s University […]

Discourse analysis of men’s online groin shaving talk (new study)

It could be said that not all that much academic attention has been afforded to discourse analysis of men’s online groin shaving talk. One, perhaps the only, published exception is a new paper in the journal Sexualities, December 2015, vol. 18 no. 8 997-1017 ‘When there’s no underbrush the tree looks taller’: A discourse analysis […]

(Re)creating multiple masculinities: Crocket’s Ultimate Frisbee

Some say that over the past 10 years there has been an increasing focus on the complexity and diversity of masculinities produced in sporting contexts. Newly contributing to the literature on this subject is Dr. Hamish Crocket, who is a Sport and Leisure Studies Lecturer at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. In a forthcoming […]

Of lumberjacks and masculinity

Scholars have given us insights into the societal role and reputation of lumberjacks. One of the foremost studies (and for further insight, see the two videos below) is: “From lumberjack to business manager: masculinity in the Norwegian forestry press,” Berit Brandth [pictured here, in red], Marit S Haugen [pictured here, in black], Journal of Rural Studies, […]