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An ambiguous abbreviation of a journal title: “J Anal Methods Chem”

The PubMed database abbreviates the names of many research journals. Sometimes these abbreviations lend themselves to confusion. Sometimes that confusion can, maybe, be willful. Here’s an example, in a citation of a chemistry study:

Classification of Coffee Beans by GC-C-IRMS, GC-MS, and (1)H-NMR.

J Anal Methods Chem. 2016;2016:8564584

Authors: Arana VA, Medina J, Esseiva P, Pazos D, Wist J

You may wish to track down the full, non-abbreviated citation. The authors are based in Colombia and Switzerland. They say that their goal, in doing the study, is to report new “encouraging steps towards the construction of a robust expert system for the discrimination of coffees from Colombia versus nearby countries (Brazil and Peru).” Here’s further detail:

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