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Peer Review: Donut Innards

Dr. Morhard and colleagues from the Campus Grosshadern of Munich University, Germany, tackle the problem of how to avoid the disgusting experience of eating a mustard filled donut. “Die DiagnostischeWertigkeit von Dual-Energy-CT und 3 Tesla-MRT in der Diagnose von Faschingskrapfen (Berliner Pfannekuchen) “Wo ist die Marmelade, wo der Senf und wo der Pudding?,” (The Diagnostic Value of Dual-Energy CT and 3 Tesla MRI in the Diagnosis of German Mardi Gras Donuts – Where is the Mustard, Where is the Custard and Where is the Jam?), D. Morhard, O. Dietrich, M. Reiser and B. Ertl-Wagner, Fortschr Rntgenstr., vol. 180, no. 4, April 2008, pp. 318-24( The authors report:

PURPOSE: As a Mardi Gras joke, the original jam or custard fillings of German Mardi Gras donuts are frequently replaced with mustard which cannot be identified on the outside of the donut. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of modern CT and MRI techniques on the diagnostic evaluation of donuts filled with mustard, jam or custard….

(That’s an excerpt from the article “Peer Review: Donut Innards,” by Siegfried Peer, MD, LFHCfS, Professor of Radiology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria. It was published in AIR 14:3.)

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